10 Examples of Artificial Intelligence You’re Using in Daily Life
10 Examples of Artificial Intelligence You’re Using in Daily Life
The entire tech world is debating the consequences of artificial intelligence and the part AI is going to play in shaping our future. While we might think that artificial intelligence is at least a few years away from causing any considerable effects on our lives, the fact remains that it is already having an enormous impact on us. Artificial intelligence is affecting our decisions and our lifestyles every day. Don’t believe me? Well, read along as we tell you 22 examples of artificial intelligence you are using in your daily life.
Examples of Artificial Intelligence (2022)
1. Google Search
The most fundamental activity on the internet is searching for things. And for the last decade and more, Google Search has been the go-to search engine to look for all sorts of stuff. So what makes Google Search such a powerful and accurate directory of the whole web? You guessed it right, it’s AI that is working behind the scenes. Whenever you are searching for things online, you are effectively using AI in the true sense.

In the last 3-4 years, Google introduced some of the AI elements to improve the ranking of websites. Now, it uses AI on Google Search for recommending a specific part of the video based on your search query, readily suggests questions and answers that you might be interested in and smart search suggestions below the search result. It’s only because of AI that you rarely have to move to the 2nd page on Google Search. So if you were wondering about where do you interact with AI in daily life, well it’s Google Search.
2.Travel & Navigation
We might have used navigation services or others to find our way through at some point in our lives. For many, it is part of their daily lives. Whether using maps for navigation or using a taxi-hire service like Uber, you are using AI-enabled services to travel from one place to another.

Google, Apple, and many other navigation-related service providers utilize AI to interpret the scores of information being received and provide you with information that helps in navigation and get live traffic updates, allowing you to commute more efficiently.
There are plenty of Geocoding and Maps API available to convert an idea into reality.
3. Google Lens
Google Lens is another Google service that is built on AI and has some great technology for fast and accurate optical recognition. It allows you to search for anything through images. Just point the camera to a shoe or a plant or an animal or a text, it can detect the type of subject and will provide precise information on that thing in just a few seconds. All of this is possible because of AI’s advancement in the field of optical recognition.

Not to mention, Google Lens can also do OCR now and you can extract texts from images easily. In fact, almost all the OCR software libraries like Tesseract or TensorFlow are built on AI to detect the characters on an image. When you use apps like Adobe Scan or Microsoft Office Lens, smart cropping and edge detection are actually powered by AI. So nonchalantly, you are actively using AI in your daily life and benefitting from it.
4.Social Media Feeds
Check out applications on your smartphones to feel the presence of AI within various social media apps. Whether it is your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other platforms, what you see and do on these applications is, to a large extent, influenced by machine learning. AI controls the feeds that you get to see while browsing through these platforms or the notifications you receive.

It takes into consideration your tastes & preferences, your history, and imprint on SM, etc., to curate the information to transmit feeds that you find more relevant and are inclined to see.
5.Google Assistant and Camera
If you are using a smartphone, you are interacting with AI whether you know it or not. From the obvious AI features such as the built-in smart assistants to not-so-obvious ones such as the portrait mode in the camera, AI is impacting our lives every day.
In fact, the two examples that I provided above give us a glimpse into the world of AI and how it is affecting our lives. Firstly, there are the obvious AI elements that most of us have some knowledge about. For example, when you are using a smart assistant, whether it’s Google Assistant, Alexa, Siri, or Bixby, you more or less know that these assistants are based on AI. However, when we are using a feature such as the portrait mode while shooting a picture, we never consider that AI might be behind that too. Have you ever thought about how the Google Pixel phones or iPhones can capture such great portrait shots? The answer is artificial intelligence.
Now more and more manufacturers are including AI in their smartphones with big chip manufacturers including Qualcomm and Huawei producing chips with built-in AI capabilities. The AI integration is helping in bringing features like scene detection, mixed and virtual reality elements, and more. AI is going to play an even major role in the coming years. We are already seeing a huge emphasis on AI with the latest Android and iOS updates.
6.Smart Cars
Another area where AI is increasing its presence in our daily lives is smart cars.

Not only are companies like Tesla at the forefront of using automation in vehicles, but many of the car manufacturers are also looking at integrating AI with Automobiles to provide seamless services of various technologies that you use.
Information is being shared and communicated between the cars to better maneuver amidst traffic. Inputs around traffic, real-time updates on roadblocks, etc., are immediately transmitted to alert the other vehicles on the grid enabling re-routing.
7.Smart Home
Alexa and Bixby come to the top of our minds when one talks of using AI in developing smart homes. However, these applications of AI are not just limited to these Smart-voice assistants.
Thermostat devices that make use of AI to adjust the temperature automatically, AI applications that conserve energy by automatically switching on/off the lights based on human presence, smart speakers, apps that change the color of the light based on the time of the day, etc. are few of the applications where AI is being used to make the homes smarter.

The AI being used is evolving, and more and more solutions are being developed that understand our behavior and function accordingly.
8.Video Games
The video game industry is probably one of the earliest adopters of AI. The integration started very small with the use of AI to generate random levels that people can play. However, that has increased to a level that goes far beyond what one can even imagine.
On the large scale, we just observed OpenAI 5, developed by the company OpenAI which is being backed by Elon Musk, beating pro-level Dota 2 players in one on one matches while also beating amateur Dota 2 teams. This achievement is being hailed as a leapfrogging moment in the AI industry. Dota 2 is a strategy-based game where players have to make decisions every second, and beating pro players in such a dynamic game is a huge achievement for AI.

Keeping the Dota 2 win aside for a while, let’s talk about how AI is infiltrating our normal gaming industry. Any game that you play has some sort of AI element to it. When you are playing a game such as PUBG or Fortnite, you essentially start against a couple of AI-powered bots and then move to play against real players. Even when you are playing a single-person story mode game, you are playing against AI bosses.
If you are playing racing games, you are racing against AI bots. Probably the most interesting use of AI we have seen in games is in the Middle Earth series of games where your enemies which are controlled by AI evolve based on their interaction with you and other gaming elements. I can go on and on about the use of AI in games, but that would make this article very long. Just know that if you play any game, you are using AI.
9.Security & surveillance
The thought of AI does bring notions of it being used for larger-scale surveillance. While ethics is a case for debate, it is known that AI is used increasingly in this domain. Monitoring the immense feed being transmitted from various cameras and other devices is not only a cumbersome activity but also has its limitations.
AI uses technologies like face recognition, object and location recognition, etc., to monitor the inputs received and analyze them.
10.Smart Keyboard Apps
Granted, not everyone loves dealing with on-screen keyboards. However, they have become far more intuitive, allowing users to type comfortably and faster. What has probably proved to be a catalyst for them is the integration of AI. The smart keyboard apps keep a tab on the writing style of a user and predict words and emojis accordingly. Thus, typing on the touchscreen has become faster and more convenient. Not to mention, artificial intelligence also plays a vital role in pinpointing misspellings and typos.